'Finish what you started' the little voice inside my head whispers. My construction mate is already hammering along. The sun is shining. Let's hit it.
The shelves - old cupboard - for the roof are heavy and hard to saw. We need extra wood to lift the floor a bit, so the dogs will not lie on the cold damp ground. The cupboard wood is not sufficient to cover floor as well as roof. It looks like we do have to buy extra materials. Feels like defeat. Heads down we walk into a building shop. 'You can use this board for the roof', the lady explains. I show her some photo's of Addis' palace. 'Oh, I wish I had time to do something like that,' she exclaims. 'I love hammering! Wouldn't it be nice to put tiles on the roof?' 'We have tiles, a whole damn pile of them. We just don't know how to use them.' 'It is easy,' she starts to teach. A few minutes later we leave the shop, very happy, we did not buy the wood. Admittedly, we bought seven slats of € 1,29 each. But that is not cheating, we tell eachother. The cupboard becomes a floor and the roof is turning into a real nice real houselike canopy covering the dogshelter.
The dogs give it a try. Addis looks puzzled and hesitates to enter, the other two snoop around looking for something to eat or chew on. Maybe tomorrow they can move in. Evening falls. The sky darkens with clouds. Looks like the sunny weather is over. The wind howls, it starts to hail. The improvised doghouse is tested for the first time.
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