With his mouth half full, too excited to wait for the food to reach his stomach, Harry explained about the Amsterdam-Dakar Challenge.
You need a car. A car that costs no more than € 500,-. If you want to pimp it, better stick to what’s necessary, because you can’t spend more than € 250,- on the upgrading. This car is going to take you and your friend from Amsterdam to Dakar (at least that is what you hope for)
Fuel, overnights, entrance fee of € 480,- a person all these things need to be paid for by sponsors. Your job is to find sponsors (their names can be stickered on your barrel) and of course to make the three week trip. After arrival in Dakar, we move on to Gambia and there the cars will be up for auction. Revenues are for Gambian NGO’s.
‘We’re in’, we said. And now we are in. Still a bit dizzy trying to figure out what precisely we stuck our foot in. But if you are a friend, or a benevolent reader, a passer by, or a company-owner with social responsibility, a lottery winner or the bakery around the corner, Beware! We’ll be looking for sponsors soon to drive their wishes for a better world from Europe to Africa.
Driving is not all we are planning to do: We are writers, bloggers, journalists and we’ll blog the barrel, write the journey, tweet the desert and literate the challenge.
Our team is called nonfiXe. And we don’t have anything but words yet. Departure will be November 5th this year.
Do you want to know more? Consider sponsoring, or… signing up as well? Look at Amsterdam–Dakar Challenge or contact us @nonfixe (caro@nonfixe.nl - frank@nonfixe.nl)
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