Afrisinia shows blocked
The short film in the previous page is a compilation of Afrisinia shows last summer. Do you see the public? The enthusiasm? Do you feel the energy? Maybe you were there, at Sfinx, Mundial, Gentse Feesten, Bazaar Boxtel, in The Hague, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Vught.... Lucky you!
Since 'Dienst Terugkeer & Vertrek' (Bureau of Return & Departure) is cracking down on the boys and girls (aged 15 to 25), Afrisinia stopped performing.
A big loss, in our view. A loss for the Dutch (multi)cultural scene. A loss for festivals and theatres. A loss for European society. And a loss for 16 youngsters... Breaking down young ambitious talented youth is a crime. Watch the movie and you know what I mean.
Where are the politicians who dare to take a stand?
Coming courts: Thomas vs IND, Den Bosch January 19, 09.00h and COA (Centrale Opvang Asielzoekers) vs Afrisinia on January 25, 09.30h also playing at Den Bosch. There is some show after all....
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