The abuse and slavery that happened at the youthcircus in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, is an example of making powerful dictators more powerful with Western aid. We were trying to think solutions & came up with this: support asylumseekers. Welcome them, help them to educate themselves and: encourage them to work!
Apart from the fact that studying and working people are usually happier and stronger, most immigrants send money back home. This money arrives directly in the pockets of the ones it is meant for: mothers, sisters, children. It is used to buy food, to pay for hospital bills and education of smaller brothers et cetera. And it is neither charity, nor institutional and structural financing of dictators and armies.
This should at least solve a part of the problem Linda Polman describes in her book War Games, the story of Aid and War in Modern Times, which is reviewed in the Guardian / Observer of today, April 25. (you can read it at:
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